Monday, March 9, 2015


gadget-336x280Etisalat: If you are still using Etisalat paygo, good for you because it
rocks like thunder, best data for effective, effectual and efficient
download without breakage.
If you are not on that plan, you can’t opt
in and if you on that plan, don’t opt out if not, no more keys to opt in.
As regard to PC, Android, iPhone or Window Phones, I’ll advice you go
with third party reseller because you can get 250MB , 500MB , 750MB
and 1GB all at a more cheaper price than what Etisalat normal sell. I’ll
tag it a sin if you use N1,000 to get data of 350MB from Etisalat when
you can get 1GB for N1,300 . Even your smartphone won’t forgive you.
To get a reliable reseller, call 08161145975
Don’t let anyone deceive you Etisalat BIS is not working on Android, PC
or Window phones. It only works on Blackberry OS7.

MTN: Mtn daily bis still rock unlimited if your sim is certified and
circumcise with SS or Open VPN. Normal monthly blackberry plan also
rocks and I guess it will go a long way in saving your cash. So long
you are using an Android Phone and you fall in love with MTN,
Blackberry plan will work with your device.
To iPhone and Window Phone users, unfortunately, you can’t use MTN
Bis but you can always go for an alternative which is from third party
seller or “ Mtn Better Me Data Plan ”; You get 2GB for N2015 which I think
is somewhat better than getting it from a third party seller. Except if you
want to get 1GB which is N1,300.
If you are still using MTN Night plan, then you are not living in this
world! See you in Mars !

Airtel NG: The only thing good about this network is for the fact that it
is fast, always 3.5G. Blackberry users are the ones enjoying this
network because with N1,400 you get 3GB. No hope for using this
plan on Android… Yet Airtel gives Kenya 18GB for N2,650 . Is it that
Kenya’s don’t know how to use the internet?
Meanwhile, Airtel Android works on all device which include PC,
Windows, Blackberry10 , Symbian etc. You get 2GB for 2k ( dial *437# )
and 4GB for N3,500 (dial *438# ).
Glo: Permit me to say glo are being fishy because they didn’t tell their
customers that you won’t be able to use your Glo overload bonus credit
during the day except from 10PM to 8AM . Abeg… who I wan call by
10PM ?
But for data sake, its so reasonably and so OnPoint because you can
always get this
4.5GB for N2,500
2.5GB for N2,000
12GB for N5,000
You too compare this with other network and tell me whats up. Glo
overload lets you enjoy 400% bonus on recharges of N200 and above,
as well as 200% bonus on purchase of all data plans of N2,000 and
How Can I Get This Plan?
==>Dial *200#, its free.
==>Dial *127*58# or send 58 to 127, to get 4.5Gb for N2,500
==>Dial *127*55# to get 2.5GB data
==>Dial *127*11# to get 12GB data.
These plans work on iPhone/iPad , BB10 , Android, Window Phones ,
Nokia and for PC users.
Let me hear what you think.

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